What It’s Like Being an INTP



Photo by Taton Moïse on Unsplash

One of the most famous INTP-personality types from history, Albert Einstein was best known for his intellectual abilities and imagination.

INTPs — the Logicians

According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, INTP is someone with an Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Prospecting personality traits. They are really flexible thinkers and often make unlikely decisions about their life path. Logicians only make about three percent of the population.

What it’s like being an INTP?

It’s freaking hard. You know why? First of all your mind never stops thinking about new ideas and over-analyzing everything. You are a dreamer, but you also always explore your ideas from every point of view and it leaves you feeling paralyzed to make ACTUAL choices in your life.

Basically, you live mostly in your head. You get excited about everything, know a lot from all the possible topics but not enough about anything. You crave knowledge.

Your open-mindedness often scares people as well as your big visions. A small number of your visions actually get implemented, but if they do you might even become the next Bill Gates (who is also a famous INTP).



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